Assassins - Ultimate CD Games Collection 1
Assassins - Ultimate CD Games Collection (1994)(Weird Science)(Track 1 of 2)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV][CDD5332].iso
Text File
367 lines
One in a million people actually register SHAREWARE software.
But if that one person feels that this program is worth buying,
then my mission is complete.
Supporting Shareware helps to keep the Amiga healthy.
Keeping the Amiga platform healthy is everyones biggest concern.
Remember, "Only Amiga makes it possible!"
Let's pray that MS-Dos machines never have to "make it possible!",
Or my favorite TV show, SeaQuest would be VERY bad.
Scorched Tanks V 1.15
for the Amiga
Copyright 1993 Michael Welch, All Rights Reserved
Developed and Coded by
Michael Welch
Special Thanks to:
Sarah Bell
Mike & Laura Ferrall
DJ & Sarah
Mark Posser - Play Testing
Josh Wingell - Great Ideas
John Torta - Graphics
Aaron Wald - The Big BANG Theory
Very Special Thanks goes out to:
Chip Schaefer - My very first order. (You made my week!)
Michael Boeh - His infinite wisedom in developing Artillery games.
John Harris - Brilliant ideas.
Kieth Zabach & friends - Ace playtesters.
Peter Olafson & Tim Walsh - for putting Scorched Tanks in the...
...Amiga World "Best of '93"
This version includes:
Computer controlled tanks
11 different Shields Options (Absorbing, Reflecting, Magnetic, etc...)
Joystick Control
"Hold Mouse To Repeat"
* 512k Chip Ram support
Faster and more accurate bullets
More Graphics
Improved weapon selector
39 weapons
Bigger BANGS
Help option
The game will always be changing, so the older this version becomes,
the BETTER the current version IS.
More weapons and options are constantly being made.
So watch for demos of the current version or drop me a line and I would
be more than happy to tell you about the current version.
Letter Mail: Michael Welch PO Box 672 Vestal, NY 13850
Scorched Tanks was developed on an AMIGA 1200 with 2 Megs of Chip RAM
and 4 Megs of Fast RAM. It has been tested on an Amiga 2000 with
1 Meg of Chip RAM. It has also been tested on an Amiga 500 with
512k Chip RAM and 3 Megs of Fast Ram
If your system has only 512k of Chip RAM or only 1 Meg of total RAM,
it is suggested that the program is loaded into the computer buy itself.
Create a bootdisk or load Scorch' from CLI before loading Workbench.
This version of Scorched Tanks has a special 512k Chip RAM mode.
This mode reduces the playfield vertically to save Chip RAM.
When in 512k Chip RAM mode, playfield is restricted to horizontal
scrolling only.
Scorched Tanks was developed using AMOS Pro and AMOS Pro Compiler.
This package is supposed to compile programs to work on:
Most incompatability problems are memory related.
Running Scorched Tanks from Workbench on a 512K Chip RAM machine
will not work. It will run out of memory.
Also, some Workbench programs like Enforcer and 'screen blankers' have
been known to cause problems with AMOS Pro.
Programs used to develop Scorched Tanks:
AMOS Pro Compiler
Final Copy 2
Directory Opus 4.1
With special guests -> Vista Pro 3.0 and Caligari 24
(I'm still paying for some of this stuff so register today!)
(Or I'm in big trouble)
Scorched Tanks is a tank warfare game where 1 to 4 human players or
computer controlled opponents, take turns at buying fancy weapons
and shooting them at each other. The more damage a player causes
another, the more money they get. The more money a player receives, the
larger the weapons they can buy. This is a very simple concept, but
extreemly addictive!
Scorched Tanks is related to a very popular game called
Scorched Earth on MS-Dos machines. I've only played Scorched Earth maybe
five times ever. But it impressed me so much that I decided that the
Amiga needed a version too. Scorched Tanks is very similar yet VERY
different to the MS-Dos game.
'Tanks innovates where 'Earth and other look-a-likes leave off.
It's simple to understand, yet complex enough to be challenging.
The gameplay and interface are so easy to understand, an 8 year old can pick
it up in no time. It was tested on a group of little kids. They spent
two hours screaming and jumping around as they blew-up each others
computer tanks. Basically it's simple to learn and the interface's
layout doesn't take away from the game.
The graphics and music try to add the, all important, Amiga feel
to the game.
It draws people that hate computers.
(Only if you can force them to look at the screen!)
Buying weapons & Shields-
WeaponsLink is how each player buys and sells weapons, shields, and
other items of use. Choose the desired item and select buy or
To switch from Shields to Weapons mode, select <Weapons> or <Shields>
and either click [Buy] or the name itself.
Make sure to select Initial Defence before entering the battlefield.
Click on [Initial Defence] to select your starting shield option.
Select DONE to go to the next player.
Each player must fire at the other tanks until there is only one
tank left. Destroying a tank earns a player $5000. the winner
of the round receives $7000. Second $6000. Third $5000. Forth $4000.
Before Fireing weapons, remember to set angle, power, and desired
weapon before clicking FIRE.
Other options available during a players turn are:
Scanner- Click in scanner window to adjust view screen or to checkout
currently off screen areas of the playfield.
Stats- Click on a players name to read individual stats of the player.
SH-Shields(0 to 99) DA-Damage(0 to 50)
when hit, player first loses shields, then receives damage.
If damage drops to zero, player is removed so to say.
Help- On-line help is available buy clicking [Help].
Clicking [Help] toggles the help option from on to off.
Use- Only seen when in shield selection mode.
Click [Use] to select the sheild options you have bought.
Switching from Shields to Weapons Selection-
Click the up arrow to the <Shields> or <Weapons> choice.
If you have no shields to use, No Shields is displayed and
the program will keep you in Weapons mode.
End of round-
At the end of round, Bonuses are awarded and ranking for the game is
given. At the end of the last round the winner of the game will be
announced and the game will end.
(The tie breaker is - who has the most money -)
Good-Luck and have fun beating on your friends! (and now the computer!)
Program history-
V 0.10
-Bad joystick controlled interface
-Nice screen scrolling
-automatic PAL/NTSC support
V 0.50
-Shields added
-Mondo graphics improvement
V 0.70
-Cool Sound effects
-Music added
-Most of the newer weapons added
V 0.95
-Parachutes added
-Lava & Liguid Nitrogen weapons added
-Fixed bugs
-Made to work on slow computers with at least a meg of memory
V 1.00
-Computer controlled tanks
-Louder BANGS
-Scatter Shot, Firecracker, Super Zapper, And Chain Reaction added
V 1.00a
-Improved Weapon Selector
-Vectors used instead of Physics Equation to calculate bullets
MEANING Faaaaaaaaaster. A little anyways.
-Damage bonus display bug-fix
V 1.00b
-Better(higher resolution) power select bar
-Help option
-Customizes program to available amount of memory
V 1.15
-512k Chip support
-Joystick control support
-11 different Shield options (Absorbing, Reflecting, Magnetic, etc...)
-Tank movement (Transport, Move Tank)
-"Return to Player" speed-up
-Hold mouse to repeat
The Future
Many updates
Lots of weapons- around 50 or 60 (don't worry, sliders are coming soon!)
Advanced processor version (Fast, Hard Drive, and Loads of memory needed)
AGA Version (100% probability of being made)
Story Line
Way better graphics
Original music
\\\ The future is up to you ///
/// Let me know the game is worth it! \\\
Anyone who registers this game will recieve the LATEST version of Scorch'.
I work on Scorch' daily so count on a new release every month.
I don't release freely distributable versions of the game very often.
So.... If you want More Weapons, More Options, More Everything..
Register. Along with the latest version of Scorch', registered users
recieve the next MAJOR release of Scorch'. Major releases are versions
where something has been added that completely changes the game.
After their free version of Scorch', it only costs $3 dollars to upgrade
to any later versions of the game (Covers shipping and material costs).
I have plans for releasing V1.8 in early January.
Registered users will not only receive this major upgrade, but
with any luck, they will also get a Tips and Stratagies Book.
All the weapons and shield systems will be fully explained.
Many of the Secret weaknesses of powerful weapons and shields will
be at your disposal. Beat the stuff out of your friends before they
even know what happened. Worth the $10 dollars by itself!!
V1.8 will have a fully configurable system.
Wind, Gravity, Terrain Type, Playfield size-
Ability to switch players from Computer control to human control in-game.
Incredible new graphics; Brilliance is a blast!! :)
Register today and get V1.8 for a late Christmas gift.
I would love to get comments and ideas. New weapons ideas and other options
would be great. I also would send royalties to people who submit original
"game related" artwork or music.
I want Scorched Tanks to be the best it can be. Please help me out.
I promise a 100% reply to anyone who writes to me.
Please send snail mail to:
Michael Welch
PO Box 672
Vestal, NY 13850